Friday, March 5, 2010

Today's update

The realities that there will be more challenges ahead hit in a big way today. I saw an ENT, who told me that my breathing difficulties were from bone spurs and a collapsed value blocking my right nostril and partially blocking the left. I will need additional surgeries when the jaw wires are removed to correct these issues.

I'm not surprised; I was told that I might need more surgeries once the previous ones had begun to heal. And having so much difficulty breathing on and off is still uncomfortable and, at times, scary...I have to slow myself down and talk myself out of panicking.

Nonetheless, I had a small meltdown after we left the doctor's office. I'm unhappy about having more surgery and more anesthesia and more nausea and more pain. I realize I'm whining, but that's where I am today. I want my body and my life back again.

Jake continues to be an amazing support. And I never take for granted that I'm really really lucky to have all of my wonderful family members and friends. My mother- and father-in-law sent me flowers that arrived right after I returned from the doctor's office. God is very busy letting me know I'm well-cared for.


1 comment:

  1. Welcome home, Karen and Jake.

    We're all here at PIRE wishing you the best. Look for a little token from us next week...Alexis has outdone herself.
    Much love from all the PIRE-ites and me.
