Saturday, March 6, 2010

Some FAQs...

Here are some answers to FAQs from the peanut gallery.

Q: How does your face look?

A: Remarkably good. Based on my x-rays, I was told I should look somewhat deformed...and I don't. My jaw and lips are still swollen, and my lips have some prominent scars on them. But the facial swelling and black and blue coloring have diminished significantly.

Q: Can you describe the jaw wires?

A: Picture braces that a teenager might wear...except instead of covering my teeth, they are embedded in the gums. Then clinch your teeth as tightly as you can and then use wire to loop each upper band to each lower band.

Q: How do you breathe?

A: With difficulty. The only spaces to breathe are any gaps between my teeth, of which I have very few, and my nose, which is partially blocked.

Q: I'll bet you're drinking a lot of milkshakes.

A: Actually no. I can't use a straw, so I am limited to items that can be sipped from a glass or squirted into my mouth with a syringe. So most of what I drink is lukewarm to avoid tooth sensitivity.

Q: What are you eating?

A: Any liquids. The most solid item I can consume is yogurt and it can't have fruit in it. Yesterday's breakfast was 2 yogurts and a jar of spaghetti sauce I'd put into a blender. It's an odd diet. I've read online of folks who will put anything into a blender...roast beef sandwiches; you name it. That doesn't really appeal to me. I'm also consuming high protein drinks.

Q: I'll bet you're losing weight!

A: Yes, about 10 pounds. I didn't need to lose weight, and I'm not thrilled with feeling so weak. That said, from what I've read, everyone with wired jaws loses weight. The amount you have to drink or time spent syringing food gets tiring. I also understand that everyone gains weight again once the wires come off, so I'm not concerned about it. I'm just trying to make sure I'm maintaining some healthy balance, taking liquid vitamins, etc.

Q: Do you want to rip the wires out?

A: YES!!

Q: How long will you have to wear them?

A: An estimated 6-8 weeks total. This Monday marks the end of Week Two.

Q: What are some of the better suggestions you've received in how to cope with your accident?

A: There are many. Some that stand out include: a) take your pain medications and don't tough it out; b) veggies and fruits with liquids in a blender will taste 100 times better than commercial baby food; c) get used to people staring and go about your life as much as you can; d) listen to your body. When it's telling you to slow down and rest, you should slow down and rest; and finally e) take people up on their offers to help you.


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