Saturday, June 12, 2010


"TMI" = "Too Much Information." This is an acronym with which I have become immensely familiar, since I have two teenage stepsons, which means "things that are gross" are wonderful. Examples of where "TMI" is the appropriate response include:

Nick: "And at work at McDonald's today, this little girl threw up all over my shoes and I could see that she'd had french fries...."

Adam: "And when I was making the potatoes, I cut my finger but it was easy enough to hide the blood if I stirred them..."

Enough said.

Anyway, lots of disgusting things to share in the past 2 days post-nasal surgery. I didn't realize that I'd have such a violent reaction to the Percoset. Seven violent projectile vomiting trips to the bathroom later, I figured out that the medication might be the source. Last night was very very long. I decided I'd rather deal with a little pain than that much nausea.

I also either have a cold or bad allergies. Wouldn't it be ironic if I'm allergic to the gauze and tape on my nose to help provide support and cut down on the nonstop bleeding? Anyway, the packing in my nose is, as far as I can tell, made of cement. It's not budging.

So all of the mucus and blood is now trapped in the cement in my nose. I'm certain that, when the packing is removed Wednesday, I don't want to be in the same room as I am if I can possibly help it.

And, if that wasn't pretty enough...I can't breathe at all. So the only way for me to eat is with my mouth open, which is not as attractive as it might sound. And because my lips are still numb, occasionally I can't feel where the food is, so it falls out of my mouth.

TMI, Indeed!

And on a less TMI front...I'm sleeping 15 or so hours per day. Last night I slept for 14 hours and took several naps. I guess healing demands lots of sleep.

Hopefully I'll have more energy again soon. But for now...all of this typing made me very sleepy again. Time to lie down...
