Friday, March 12, 2010

Misc musings...

Little things can make such a big difference lately. Today, I was given a few empty syringes from our local CVS that are much easier to use than those I'd previously been using, which meant the pulverized green beans and cream of broccoli soup went down more easily. And I was able to place some wax over the most irritating of the wires, so my lips were less of a mess at the end of lunch.

Watching Rocky trying to beg for whatever delicacy I'm attempting to eat via syringe is pretty entertaining.

I'm discovering that there are almost no over-the-counter adult versions of any medication or vitamin. So I'm taking the kiddie version. Today was a blue gel bubble gum flavored version of Advil. Disgusting? You betcha! And I have the added bonus that my teeth are now covered in blue goo.

Visited my office yesterday. I work with such talented and nice people! It was great to see everyone. Plus, it was a special day for me. I blew my hair dry and got out of my sweats. AND stayed awake all day (a rare event...I think all of the pain and medications and not eating enough make me very sleepy).

Today I saw a neurosurgeon for the vertebral fracture. He's encouraged but cautious and wants to schedule an MRI. I have become a full-time doctor and lab test visitor.

Dealing with the insurance company, which is offering to pay almost nothing, is enraging. Thank goodness I have the help from wonderful HR folks in our head office. I don't know the right answer to our insurance system, but I can write in spades right now about what's wrong.



  1. I wish I had a person in HR to help me with insurance, what a nightmare.
    You sound like things are moving along albeit slowly...just remember a horse is a horse...xo

  2. Your situation is exactly what insurance would typically be for, something catastrophic for which one could not plan. When you say that the insurance company is "offering to pay almost nothing," it would be useful to hear what reasons they are giving. As you know, this is the kind of situation about which many have patients testified before legislative bodies. The stories are compelling. The CEOs of insurance companies say that they will do better, but it sounds as if the practices have not changed.

    A slight majority of the population is now against the healthcare legislation pending in Congress. These people apparently missed reading the newspaper those days. They have bought the argument, I guess, that the government will "take over" healthcare. That seems to mean that some government bureaucrat will decide what qualifies and what does not. Instead, a bureaucrat at your health insurer is doing that job. Are they doing it well? Apparently they are, if the polls are to be believed.

    So, Karen, what is the issue? Do they believe that you were trying to kill yourself? Do they think that you were treated too well by your doctors? Are you as secret swindler trying to bilk the insurance industry out of its just profits? When you are ready to confess, just put your hands on your head and walk slowly out the front door. Senator Brown has an officer waiting to get you off the street.
