Sunday, March 14, 2010


That kind of sums up how I've been feeling this weekend. I've been exhausted and sleeping more than usual. Not from depression; I'm just very fatigued.

Part of that is because my breathing is poor. I can't get enough air into my lungs on and off throughout the day. It's always worse in the morning. My ENT said it's due to structural nasal damage. I have a consultation with a surgeon in Boston tomorrow. He will hopefully remove the wires and do the surgery in a few weeks. I am counting the hours!

Also, my lips are very cut up and swollen. I keep applying wax to the wires, but it's hard to find all of the spots that irritate.

So that's my tale of woe at the moment. I'm trying to do good things for myself. I go to the gym daily. I don't do much there but even a few sit-ups and leg exercises helps me feel some sense of reclaiming control of my body. When I can, I get on a cardio machine and work at a pace that, pre-accident, I could have slept through; I'm barely moving. But it doesn't matter; it still improves my mood. I've been unexpectedly patient with having to slow down so much.

Also, I'm grateful in spades. For the fact that my tale of woe could have been so much worse. For having a wonderful family and friends and colleagues. And, of course, for Muscle Milk and chocolate pudding.


1 comment:

  1. hey ur doing more cardio and workout then i've done in months... dang if you can do it.. so can i.... i'll start tomorrow....
