Thursday, July 8, 2010

follow-up with the ENT surgeon

Yesterday I went to Boston to follow-up with the ENT surgeon. It was a nice day to visit Boston and an easy trip to and from the T.

This surgeon has been amazing. I never had any bruising. Whereas I had read on the Web that people experienced pain when the packing was taken out, that didn't happen with me. So I wasn't nervous in the least about this appointment and was looking forward to having "crap in my nose" (this is the often-used medical terminology) removed so I could breathe more easily.

The surgeon pulled out some gunk (I'll spare you more detail). He also snipped a few of the stitches that he could reach. I thought they were supposed to dissolve, and maybe they are, but they're not really coming out very quickly. Mucus then gets caught on them and blocks my airways, which is the problem I was having treated in the first place. That being said, I can still breathe a lot better now than before the surgery, stitches notwithstanding.

Anyway, I could breathe a little better after he removed a few of the stitches. I imagine I'll feel better still when the swelling is reduced and the stitches that are farther back fall out (or dissolve or whatever happens to make them go away).

The surgeon said that things were looking good and that I should feel significant improvement in 6+ weeks. So far, everything he's told me has pretty much been on the mark, so I should feel much better on August 18, 2010.


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