Wednesday, March 24, 2010

More Misc Musings...

I should offer a prize for good titles.

I'm glad I've continued to work out. I am not nearly as strong as I used to be (understatement of the month). And my breathing is so poor, I can't do much cardio either. That said, it helps me mentally in so many ways. It wouldn't if I compared myself to pre-accident but instead, I've been comparing myself to the previous week or the time I was in the hospital. And then I'm so glad to be even able to move and proud for pushing myself (without overdoing it), that I feel better because of that as well.

This accident robbed me of the ability to control a lot of my activities and my life. Exercising feels like a tiny way to take some of that control back.

Good and bad days…like the rest of us, I have them. For me, the good days make me think I’m going to have a linear projection of good days…where I can breathe relatively better and feel energized and stay awake all day. I haven’t been surprised when a good day is followed by a day where I can’t get much air in and I’m constantly exhausted. But I am disappointed I don’t seem to have a linear trajectory of good days in a row yet.

Btw, I like the word, “trajectory.”

When I’m better again, I hope I remember it’s the little things, as much as the big things, that make our lives richer. I found V8 makes this wonderful butternut squash soup. In the blender on “puree” for about 30 seconds and voila!

And no, I don’t get a commission for sales on V8 soups…or on Muscle Milk. Much as I should…


1 comment:

  1. I've had the V8 butternut squash soup - indeed, it is delicious!!

