Wednesday, March 3, 2010

And we're back...

So, I'm still here, cup of decafe in hand, bleeding on the cup, snoring because my airways are still blocked (this just gets better and better by the second, doesn't it?), and thought it would be a good time for an update.

We came home very late last night and I am sooooo happy to be back (snow and all!). The most difficult part was trying to travel without carrying too much for the vertebral fracture. I've come to the conclusion that traveling is a lot easier if you're healthy. I was also concerned about having ear/sinus problems with the changes in cabin pressure on takeoff and landing, but that wasn't too bad.

The refrigerator had a surprise restocking with tons of juices and home cooked meals by our wonderful neighbors. I was so moved by their generosity and thoughtfulness. Events like this really reinforce my belief that there is a LOT of good in the world.

Visitors are welcome. I will be spending a fair amount of time at doctors' offices and just engaging in activities of daily living. When eating a yogurt takes 45 minutes, your day fills up pretty quickly! But if you'll be visiting, just make sure you let me know if you'll be bringing your own syringe for a snack or if you want to borrow one of mine.



  1. Karen, you may be the poster child for the expression "great to travel; great to be home." So sorry I can't drop in for a visit...and I just bought a new syringe, too.

  2. yay!!!!
    Happy you are home safely.
    ; )
