Sunday, February 28, 2010

Baby food - the lies exposed

So, I purchased a variety of foods in the "for babies" aisle. And the sweet stuff (fruit; oatmeal) wasn't half bad.

But I was really excited about finally getting to eat a "real" meal. Beef and vegetables. Chicken and rice. Beans and carrots.

And? It all tasted like intensely bland, overcooked squash.

If I were a baby/toddler with more cognitive skills and motor dexterity than the average baby/toddler, I would let my parents know they were being sold a bridge to nowhere. No wonder as soon as kids can, they eat crap. They've been lead astray in their precious formative years, being told that all of these tasty foods were really going to taste...well...tasty. Why should they now believe that a diet of only cheez doodlz, soda, and Snickers Bars isn't good for you?

I'm just sayin'...


Another day, another new adventure...

Every day, I learn something new regarding how to deal with this strange set of circumstances. Yesterday's gem came from my friend Holly, who suggested that I check out the baby foods aisle of the grocery store. I had been waiting until we got home, thinking that I would just put everything I could find into a blender. She said the baby foods industry has super blenders that can pulverize foods into a gloppy enough state to be syringe-ready.

I'm psyched to have an entirely new section of the store I can explore. I was becoming concerned when I was already getting sick of yogurt and I still have 6-8 weeks to go! Fortunately, I'm still pretty happy with cream of anything soup, Muscle Milk, and pudding, so I still have a few staples.

The smallest improvements continue to feel like huge victories. Yesterday, we went to a movie ("Valentine's Day"). I stayed awake, despite my medications, and it felt so good to be out and about and to ignore everything for a little while.

Today's adventure will be a trip to the gym. I'm not sure I'll do much there. I don't want to injure the vertebral or rib fractures. I can barely breathe just sitting, so I'd probably suffocate performing my usual cardio routine. I'll probably do some leg machines and a few crunches but at least I'll have made my way back into the place after about 2 weeks. I hope to be "strong like bull" again soon!


PS: I have since discovered that "go to the gym" and "work out at the gym" are completely different animals. I'd say the hardest part of going to the gym accepting my limitations. I have no energy whatsoever. But I'm being uncharacteristically patient with myself.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Reality check

We got some photos taken for medical records back today. I look horrific, even in shots taken as recently as yesterday. It made me sad. Not because I look disfigured; no doubt I do, but because it was a brutal and stark reminder of how horrific this accident was and still is.

That's why all of your support means so much to me. Thank you. It would be very easy to give in to depression.


PS: I don't intend to keep looking at the photos but it's actually been an unexpectedly positive experience. It's a little too easy for me to deny the seriousness of what happened. The reality check, and pausing to feel sad (but not immersing myself in it), are good, and healing.

Heaven in a cup

Jello has Chocolate Mousse in the refrigerated foods section. I can't eat it without diluting it with some Muscle Milk because it won't go into the syringe (and I can't locate the "to eat with a syringe" instructions on the package). Heaven in a cup!!

I am pretty tired this morning; had a lot of trouble sleeping last night. But yesterday was a good day and I'll take any good days I can get. I could breathe better; I got to stop taking one of my antibiotics (not that taking it bothered me; I just like taking one fewer thing); and I could wash my hair. Little things make a huge difference!

Our bathroom looks like a pharmacy. I have SO many pills upon pills that I take at various times throughout the day. My latest plan is to sell any of the narcotics to new friends I meet on the street, then advertise for a research study on narcotics and get funding to study that. Clearly this is an overlooked money making scheme if ever there was one!!

A number of people mentioned the staring issue, so I thought I'd follow-up.
I don't think people mean to be rude. I am usually on the other side of the fence anyway. Our society is so bombarded with invasions of our personal space, that I think part of the staring and hesitation is that people don't want to invade it further. People, even strangers, have generally been so nice. I think folks just don't know how to approach disability. I may try to make it easier by leading in with something humorous, like "if it weren't for that fall, I would have won the Gold!" I also don't interpret their responses as pity; I see genuine concern.

I think we can go home Wednesday or Thursday. HOOOOOORRRRAAAAYYYYYY! I miss the Monsters and the doggie and our friends and....


Friday, February 26, 2010

Better day

Maybe I just needed to have a bad day. Little has changed between yesterday and today, but I'm in much better spirits today.

There is small gyros restaurant near here and every time we walk past it, I crave one with a vengeance. I'm pretty sure I'm eating enough protein but there's a big difference between chewing it and drinking 6 containers of Muscle Milk. I can't wait to down a big plate of beef covered in vegetables! Even after the wires come out in 6-8 weeks though, I think it'll be awhile before I can sink my teeth into that little number.

I uncharacteristically want to sleep half the day. Jake is pushing me to take walks and go out. Last night, we saw Wicked. It was hard to stay awake, but I'm glad I was forced to go. As for the play itself, the plot is a little hard to follow but there's great singing and dancing.

Random observations:

Many people who work in hospitals are dedicated angels who make the world a better place. But there are a number who just don't like their jobs or patients. For example, my roommate (not the "why didn't I get wheat toast??" one) called for a nurse to help her to the rest room at around 3 AM. She was in a lot of pain and on an IV and could not navigate the trip independently. It took no less than 45 minutes for someone to come and that turned out to be the norm. And it's just not that busy at 3 AM! I was way too weak to be making this same trip without assistance but there was no way I was going to wait around for someone. Hospitals teach you a lot about dependency and what it is like to have, or not have, the very basic of needs met.

I like shopping at grocery stores and Target because I can walk around and steady myself with the cart and no one can tell that's why I have the cart.

People don't know what to do with someone who breaks social conventions. I'm not sure I'm any better with this either. I can tell that when people see me, they don't know whether to ask if I'm ok or look away or ignore the huge bruises and bandages on my face. We don't have a social etiquette that says how to handle these things.

Oh dear. Pain meds are kicking in...which is good but I think I should do something more today than type and sleep. So up we go!



Sorry for the lack of updates today. I was feeling very frustrated with my difficulty breathing; hungry and wanting to eat real food; tired of being tired; fed up with drooling all day long and carrying around a washcloth because I have no control over it...just generally grumpy and crabby and discouraged. I had a small meltdown with Jake earlier.

I'm now having a very late pudding snack a la syringe, and hoping Ms. Terrible Attitude has a better day tomorrow. If not, I'll share my glorious pity party here.


Thursday, February 25, 2010

My friends David and Robin recommended these, and I almost ruptured my stitches laughing. Decided they are WAY too good to be buried in the comments. Check out all of the "Will It Blend" series.

If only my blender had a "Tilapia Smoothie" button!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Do not try this at home!

I guess I was becoming too confident about my syringe eating technique. I decided to take it a step further by creating a meal (kind of). So I cooked oatmeal and yogurt on the handy in-room mini coffeemaker. Then I took a syringe bite.

What I discovered was that, instead of going into my mouth, it just put up a big wall of oatmeal paste outside of 1/2 of my mouth, thereby blocking off 1/2 of my airspace. So I then proceeded to frantically spit and brush the stuff off of my teeth and onto anything I was wearing and the floor. Very attractive move.

We are now returning to our culinary favorites and letting oatmeal retire for about 8 weeks, unless it's been blenderized beyond recognition.


Lots of good advice

I really need a book called, "What To Do If You Break Every Bone In Your Face and Have to Get Back on Your Feet in a Hotel 1000 Miles From Home." Not having this item, I've been asking for, and receiving, tons and tons of useful advice.

Such as? How to use wax to keep the pokey jaw wires in place. Making sure that I let the doctor know I'm not able to breathe at times (turns out that's common and my mouth will adjust to the wires and my nose will stop swelling soon. Scary when it happens though!). What pain meds are more or less likely to make me sick. My dear friend David reminded me that I have to be *past* the trauma to be dealing with POST-traumatic stress.

Everyday is a very slow start. Today we had the usual hour of squirting down a yogurt. Then Jake washed my hair because I can't get the bandages on my face wet. He has really been an amazing friend and partner through all of this!

We then went to the facial surgeon's office. He cleaned out my nose. It hurts like heck, but feels good to breathe for awhile afterwards. I go for another of these treatments on Friday. He and his staff are very knowledgeable and gentle. He also has a very funny sense of humor, so as I'm crying through the procedure, I'm laughing at his comments.

We then ran a few more errands, including getting copies of my medical records from the hospital. I went too long without food and pain medication and did not feel too good when we got back. I was shocked to find out I've lost 10 pounds. Weird that it's possible to spend so much time worrying about putting on weight, and when you're sick, weight comes off and it's not desirable at all.

I've discovered food favorites at the moment are any juice, cream of broccoli soup, and this stuff called Muscle Milk, a high protein concoction that goes down pretty easily. Ice cream and smoothies are out because I don't like cold stuff against my teeth and I can't use a straw. This diet soda queen has had maybe one, if that, in the last week and a half. No interest. I have also stopped drinking coffee (stopped in the hospital and figured since I was already over caffeine withdrawal, why restart).

My room is crowded with beautiful flowers from friends and family. And my very special friend Yasmin sent me two Tigger and one that looks just like Rocky (I named him Rocky Jr.)...and a copy of her new book, "Enlightening the World" about the Statue of Liberty (Yasmin Khan). Check it out; she is an eloquent author.


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

More sobering thoughts

Just a few...

First, I am realizing that I'm experiencing some post-traumatic stress,and there might be more to come. For example, I'm really uncomfortable riding in cars because of the possibility of an accident. It's also hard for me to not relive the sound of my face hitting the pavement.

Second, I am hearing more and more about other individuals who have had serious accidents on this device. Here is a sample:

Third, I hope I can breathe through my nose again soon. That, combined with my jaw wired shut, is making the lack of easily-obtained oxygen really uncomfortable.

I have intentionally not posted photos. Not because I'm concerned about how I look (which surprises me) but because of the reactions I've received from several friends and family members who have seen me and/or photos. It's not something with which you want to surprise people.

The things that I expected to be bothering me...not being able to be active, having a thirty minute car ride be a major production, the possibility that my face will be deformed for some time to come...really aren't. It is also easy to take things one day at a time regarding when I have more surgeries, when I see which doctor, when we leave, etc. Since I don't have control over 99% of this, it's been remarkably easy for Type-A me to let go of it.


Never eat anything that can't be put into a syringe!

Ok...that just sounds wrong. Anyhoo...

Last night was rough because the pain was much more acute. I was reluctant to take more medications, however, because I don't want to feel nauseous. Plus, if I throw up, I have to find a way to quickly cut the jaw wires. I now have wire cutters in my purse (every woman's staple). So I am pretty wiped out today. Fortunately, I have no major press conferences either.

EVERYTHING is a production. Partly from pain; partly from feeling awkward; partly from being weak. A bath/shower is a minimum of a half hour; double that if I want to wash my hair. Eating a bowl of soup runs 1-2 hours.

The only way I can get down anything other than juice is with a syringe, squirting the food past my wired teeth. Because I can't breathe through my nose yet since the nasal surgery, half of the food makes it into my mouth; the other half lands on my shirt. Between the blood and drool and snoring, I am quite the little vixen! I now see that the reason people lose weight on liquid diets is not because of what they're eating; it's because half of it lands on their clothes.

Today I saw the facial surgeon, which I will be doing daily for the rest of this and early next week. I also will be visiting an orthopedist for the vertebra fracture(s). The facial surgeon is a delightful mix of very professional with an excellent bedside manner. I feel I am very capable hands. If I am lucky, the nose brace will come off at the end of the week. Unfortunately, the jaw wiring will likely have to stay on longer than 6 weeks because that is the worst of the facial damage, but time will tell. Time will also tell what I will need for additional surgeries and treatment but those can wait until we return home.

Our plan at the moment (and this is in flux) is to leave roughly the middle of next week. By then, the pain and bruising should be down to a dull roar. I'll have mastered the syringe eating technique and be able to walk down a train corridor; I couldn't possibly do that at the moment. We are leaning towards taking the train instead of flying because of the sinus fractures. In theory, I should be able to fly but I'm not eager to find out that was incorrect midway through a 4 hour flight.

Jake and I continue to be deeply touched by the outpouring of love and support we are receiving. I am certain I have the BEST family members and friends in the world. :-) The Clearwater Beach Hilton Hotel staff have been remarkably nice to us as well.

Give someone you care about an extra hug tonight. And I will do the same.


Monday, February 22, 2010

Rough day

I wanted to check in with all of the wonderful people cheering me on. What a difference so much good positive energy makes! Thank you all!

I had about 3-4 hours of oral surgery. The main events were that the upper and lower jaws were reset and wired shut and my nose was replaced in its socket. There were a few other adventures but that represents the lion's share of today's activities.

I am in a lot of pain; can't breath because my nose continues to bleed (which is expected); and just do not feel good at all. I don't feel sorry for myself in the least, and I'm sure it's because of all of you. That said, I'd rather feel better.

I discovered that I can drink liquids with NO solids in them whatsoever and what works best is using a syringe to shoot the liquids into my mouth. Even straws don't work. This is going to be interesting the next time I go out to dinner with any of you.

Enjoy your steak and gum and caramels and peanuts tonight!!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Pre-surgery soup

I was feeling pretty fancy, with my new blog and all, until I couldn't figure out how to create additional posts. Which would make it both very uninteresting and not a blog. But now I am writing Post #2, so we're cranking on all cylinders.

Went for a slow walk today and did very well. I don't think I'll be feeling too wonderful after surgery tomorrow, so it was good to go out while I could. I saw some folks on segways and just had to look away; made my stomach too upset to relive my ride from last week.

On a much lighter...and unrelated...note, I was in multiple rooms in the hospital. One day, my brother asked me if I needed anything and I said earplugs to drown out my roommate. Among other tirades, I listened to no less than an hour on how she had ordered rye bread for her sandwich and how come she couldn't get wheat bread and why couldn't they get it right and...

Don't get me wrong...hospitals are not the most wonderful of facilities. But I was so tempted to chime in, "Look lady, I would be thrilled to eat ANY kind of bread." Then someone came to transfer me to the neurosurgery ward (I was out of ICU and on the cardiac ward, since that was the only bed available) and she chimed in, "How come she gets to move floors? I've been here longer. It's not fair!"

But I digress. Tomorrow I will undergo about 4 hours of surgery. First the physician will do his magic to reset my jaw. Then he will work on the fractures in my nose. Then back to the jaw and wire it shut. I imagine I will feel pretty lousy for some number of days and then things will start to improve.

There are other facial, neck, and rib fractures and I'm not sure which of these will be addressed when and how. The surgeries tomorrow are necessary to ensure that the bones don't set incorrectly and then have to be rebroken. My face currently looks like it's skewed jaw and teeth and nose are out of alignment and swollen and discolored. Actually, my entire face looks like this ("I feel pretty...Oh so pretty...") but the lower half is the worst.

I have discovered that you can use only a mini-coffee maker to cook canned soup and make jello. I will start to work on the cookbook and book tour in the near future.

In the best of all worlds, we'll go home later in the week. I doubt that will be the case. More likely is we'll look for more of a "residence" type of locale and go from there.

This experience has really shown me in spades how blessed I am to have such supportive family and friends. And this has even brought out the best in strangers. It's a nice change from the negativity that I can sometimes become enveloped in.

I will try to update this Monday or, at worst, Tuesday.


February 21, 2010

Hi everyone. I've never created a blog before but thought I'd try this. I can't recall who knows what. By writing a blog, I won't have to bore folks by repeating the same story and confusing others when I leave out key pieces, thinking they've already heard it.

Before proceding...I want to emphasize that I feel extremely touched by the outpouring of support and offers of assistance. Even from strangers...the staff at the hotel couldn't be nicer (and, from what I understand, everyone knows me). I am grateful too that all this support helps ease Jake's burden, even just to know that he can lean on friends and family if needbe.

What happened and where things stand...

Jake and I took the boys to FL for their February break and decided to try a segway tour. Here is a segway, for those of you unfamiliar with this device.

See how the gentleman looks like he could go flying forward at a moment's notice? I clipped something I didn't see, and that's what resulted. Landed face first. It happened so fast (you travel about 13 mph) that I didn't put out my hands to brace the impact. I was later told by Jake and my brother Al, also with us, that they thought I was possibly dead as I was lying in a huge pool of blood and didn't move. I wish I had had the fortune of passing out but I remember everything and recall being in severe pain.

Some nice doctors from Spain happened to be jogging in the area and helped calm everyone and get me to a very nearby hospital. X-rays showed that I'd broken my jaw, nose, occipital bones, and several other facial bones, a vertebrae, and a rib. I am extremely fortunate that I survived and that I am not paralyzed.

I was in the hospital for three days (they don't keep you long anymore). The kids were sent home to their mother. Jake is still here in FL with me. There are several doctors involved, but the main doctor with whom I've been working is a facial surgeon. He will be doing 4 hours of surgeries on Monday (outpatient). It's too unsafe for me to travel and if I wait, I will have to have the bones rebroken and reset. No thank you.

I don't have a good understanding yet of all that will be happening or how long we will be in FL (at least another week or longer). I do know that my jaw will be wired shut for roughly 6 weeks. Not being able to talk for that long should qualify me for disability payments. :-) I've been looking up with to eat and how to cope and it is amazing how much information is available on the Web.

The pain and swelling have lessened daily, though I suspect that will change with the surgeries Monday. I am currently limited to liquids and soft foods, restricted to only liquids starting tomorrow. I took a short walk yesterday, which I know is good for faster healing and maintaining a positive mental state. I was thrilled to be outside but surprised how exhausted I was at the end of this two-block adventure.

I'm being uncharacteristically patient with this process so far. Who knows? Maybe I'll learn a little while I'm going through this....
