Monday, February 22, 2010

Rough day

I wanted to check in with all of the wonderful people cheering me on. What a difference so much good positive energy makes! Thank you all!

I had about 3-4 hours of oral surgery. The main events were that the upper and lower jaws were reset and wired shut and my nose was replaced in its socket. There were a few other adventures but that represents the lion's share of today's activities.

I am in a lot of pain; can't breath because my nose continues to bleed (which is expected); and just do not feel good at all. I don't feel sorry for myself in the least, and I'm sure it's because of all of you. That said, I'd rather feel better.

I discovered that I can drink liquids with NO solids in them whatsoever and what works best is using a syringe to shoot the liquids into my mouth. Even straws don't work. This is going to be interesting the next time I go out to dinner with any of you.

Enjoy your steak and gum and caramels and peanuts tonight!!


  1. Well as my mother-in-law would say, "Lawd Jesus!"

    Your positive attitude and sense of humor are the two things I've always admired the most about you. You are AMAZING!

    I'm sending positive energy your way and prayers upward. And I'll keep good links in mind. Do you like Harry Potter? Check this out:



  2. Karen,
    Thank you for keeping us posted. Although I hate to think of you in so much pain and discomfort, it's good to see that you still have your great sense of humor. I'm so glad that the positive Karen remains in check! Rest and take care!


  3. Hi Karen,

    I am amazed at your energy keep it going! Glad to hear the first phase is over for you, can't wait to see the new Karen. So nice of you to keep us posted and with your usual wit.
    Take good care of yourself.


  4. karen. today i shall do a liquid-only diet to at once commiserate and lose a pound (or two, perhaps, God-willing :-))
    westerly will be missing you ...
    good thoughts for your continued recovery and kudos for your amazing positive outlook (and good humor.)
    ellyn santiago

  5. Wow, Karen, I can't believe what you are going through. I was just thinking this morning that we haven't caught up lately. I'm glad that you are in good spirits, through it all. I hope that you can stay patient and heal quickly.

  6. I just talked to Ladybird and she sends her love.

  7. Well, well, well...where to start??

    The answer: "I feel pretty, oh so pretty..."
    The question: If you were a song, what would you be?

    New book title: My hospital/motel room has a hot plate.

    Blog site offers "profile", all we have gotten is "full frontal".

    Gotta go. I have a sub. coming in. She had both knee caps broken by her boyfriend...only in R.I. She must have done something really bad.

    They say laughter is great healing medicine but since you can't laugh without crying I'm working on an implant to cause virtual laughter.



  8. Not to encourage SUBSTANCE ABUSE...but having had several surgeries this past year all I can say is PAIN KILLERS do help! Nothing is worse than being in constant pain - do what you have to to stay comfortable! Melissa
