Tuesday, February 23, 2010

More sobering thoughts

Just a few...

First, I am realizing that I'm experiencing some post-traumatic stress,and there might be more to come. For example, I'm really uncomfortable riding in cars because of the possibility of an accident. It's also hard for me to not relive the sound of my face hitting the pavement.

Second, I am hearing more and more about other individuals who have had serious accidents on this device. Here is a sample:


Third, I hope I can breathe through my nose again soon. That, combined with my jaw wired shut, is making the lack of easily-obtained oxygen really uncomfortable.

I have intentionally not posted photos. Not because I'm concerned about how I look (which surprises me) but because of the reactions I've received from several friends and family members who have seen me and/or photos. It's not something with which you want to surprise people.

The things that I expected to be bothering me...not being able to be active, having a thirty minute car ride be a major production, the possibility that my face will be deformed for some time to come...really aren't. It is also easy to take things one day at a time regarding when I have more surgeries, when I see which doctor, when we leave, etc. Since I don't have control over 99% of this, it's been remarkably easy for Type-A me to let go of it.



  1. Yeah, tell me about that nose-mouth breathing issue. Every now and again, I see a scene in a movie where bad guys stuff a rag in somebody's mouth and the put duct tape over it. I think to myself, "That could kill me." I know that wires are not the same as duct tape, but I can simulate the effect and it feels pretty bad. Call and ask for some advice about it.

    I was just discussing the diagnosis of a patient with a taste complaint with a colleague who specializes in the neuroanatomy of taste. I said, "We need to imagine that she is the queen of England and that we will not stop until we know the answer." That helped to motivate further discussion. Even if it out of character, think of yourself thusly.


  2. You deserve the Gold Medal for bravery with a wired jaw! You are in our thoughts and prayers. Please try and "suck up" whatever you can to keep up your strength. We love you.

    roz & family

  3. All of your thoughts and fears are normal given what you have been through. That said, if you feel it is getting to you, then take advantage of employee assistance benefits and give yourself permission to talk (when you are able to) to someone. This is exactly what these services are there for. They can give you tips for coping with the aftermath of a trauma. Of course you can always talk to Ladybird but friends and family aren't the same as professionals.
