Sunday, July 25, 2010

Lotsa nothing

This is a good report, insofar as there's really nothing much to report. My nose still has some swelling and therefore congestion, but it's much better and improving by the week. My bite is still off (I can't really bite carrots or chewy bread) but again, much better and I'm no longer in pain.

I'm particularly happy to report that I'm beginning to get feeling back on the right side of my lips. I was concerned that the nerve damage was permanent, but I guess that just takes a really long time to heal. It's already been 5 and 1/2 months since the accident on February 15 (hard to believe!), and my lips are still numb. But there is some sensation there, where there hadn't been before.

Happy (and very lucky) me!!

Thank you for all of the support through my recovery. I know it helped!
