Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Braces?! But I'm 51!!

I should have known that getting ready to sign off on my blog was a recipe for problems to develop. I could just feel the bad karma start to seep through my keyboard as I attempted to sign off last time.

I have no idea if my last post means no one will read this, though that's ok. I'll type it anyway, and maybe readers will come.

I saw one of the many dentists I hope to keep employed and happy through my recovery today. He did some slight adjustments to a few teeth. My teeth and mouth had started feeling a lot better, but then it seemed like everything had been jarred and upset again since the nasal surgery.

He then said that the next step was probably to see an orthodontist because my mouth really doesn't close properly on my left side. And the pain I'm experiencing is probably due to the fact that there's so much pressure from the teeth on the right side and everything needs to be shifted.

I suspect he's right. I also suspect that I'm not going to do anything about it for awhile. Yes, I should...but I am burned out and procedured-out. My nose is still blocked (ironically) from scar tissue acquired during the surgery. That will settle down in a month or so (I hope!!). I think I'm just going to leave everything alone for awhile and give my body and head a break from the nonstop doctor and dentist visits.

I hope, if I need them, that braces have improved a LOT since I was 13!!


1 comment:

  1. Had to dive into the guts of the US during the time of your surgery. Courtney's graduation from Carleton, some legal consulting in Des Moines, then back to Minnesota to drive Courtney's car home. (She flew.) Map Quest told me that the trip from the MSP airport to my house was exactly 2,000 miles. I figured, What is the chance of that? Well, them folks don't round off. I'm ready for Jeopardy.

    Sorry to hear that you still feel like a Picasso portrait. You will get better, probably. At least a little, right?

